Lowongan Kerja Manual Quality Assurance | PT Nolkesatu Hita Aksata

  • 1 year (max 2 years) experience as Manual QA
  • Fluent in English since s/he needs to interact with our international team on daily basis

Tanggung Jawab
  • Perform daily end-to-end (E2E) testing from sign-up until disbursement in a staging environment

  • Create report regarding daily E2E testing results and escalate failed test scenario(s)

  • Create a test case for every JIRA task and standardize our test cases to ensure the same test cases are covered during testing

  • Perform testing for every deployment and after every JIRA task has been completed

  • Ensure that newly developed features or bug fixes do not break the other existing features and integration

  • Ensure that tasks and developments fall in the expected time frame of the sprint

  • Work together with the team to maintain the quality of our products

  • Perform production monitoring and bug reporting

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